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Inflation Related Topics


Inflation has been cooling for two yearswinhq, and fresh data released on Thursday showed that trend continued in September. Prices climbed just 2.1 percent compared with a year earlier. That is nearly back to the Federal Reserve’s 2 percent inflati
ImageImage Progress on tamping down inflation has stalled in recent months. Will today’s data show more of the same?Credit...David Zalubowski/Associated PressTrump puts inflation on the agenda The inflation risk stalking the markets eased over the su
Inflation could settle within the 2 to 4 percent target range of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) this year until 2026 barring any supply shocks, a condition that would be supportive of the central banks ongoing campaign to boost economic growt
Inflation picked up in November after the onslaught of powerful storms hit food supply while a weak peso bloated import costs of key items like oil, although the uptick was mild and should not be a problem for the ongoing easing cycle of the central
lucky horse Heres a quick roundup of todays top stories: Zubiri not keen on VP impeachment raps reaching Senate Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri on Wednesday admitted not being keen on the idea of having impeachment proceedings in the Senate amid the neari
Inflation graphics. INQUIRER FILE PHOTO Inflation sped up to 2.5 percent in November, from 2.3 percent in the preceding month, on back of higher food prices following the onslaught of powerful typhoons late in the season. The latest print neverthele
" alt="Turkish inflation slows to 47.1% in November" width="2560" height="1664" data-lazy-srcset="https://business.inquirer.net/files/2024/12/Turkey-NATO-scaled.jpg 2560w, https://business.inquirer.net/files/2024/12/Turkey-NATO-620x403.jpg 620w, htt
IMAGE Daniella Marie Agacer from INQUIRER FILE PHOTOS Inflation might have slightly picked up in November, no thanks to the supply problems caused by the recent typhoons and the pass-through effect of a weak peso. An Inquirer poll of eight economist
" alt="Japan inflation eases to 2.3% in October official data" width="8115" height="5410" data-lazy-srcset="https://business.inquirer.net/files/2024/10/Bank-of-Japan-Oct-30.jpg 8115w, https://business.inquirer.net/files/2024/10/Bank-of-Japan-Oct-30-
" alt="US consumer inflation picks up to 2.6% in October" width="2560" height="1707" data-lazy-srcset="https://business.inquirer.net/files/2024/11/US-inflation-Nov-13-scaled.jpg 2560w, https://business.inquirer.net/files/2024/11/US-inflation-Nov-13-

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